Posts Tagged ‘HIPAA’

Physician required to update Faxing Procedures to Safeguard PHI

Physician Revises Faxing Procedures to Safeguard PHI Covered Entity: Health Care Provider Issue: Safeguards A doctor’s office disclosed a patient’s HIV status when the office mistakenly faxed medical records to […]

Large Health System required to Restricts Provider's Use of Patient Records, Nurse sanctioned

Large Health System Restricts Provider’s Use of Patient Records Covered Entity: Multi-Hospital Healthcare Provider Issue: Impermissible Use A nurse practitioner who has privileges at a multi-hospital health care system and […]

Private Practice must Provide Medical Records Despite an Outstanding Balance

Private Practice Revises Access Procedure to Provide Access Despite an Outstanding Balance Covered Entity: Private Practice Issue: Access A complainant alleged that a private practice physician denied her access to […]

Hospital Revises Email Distribution as a Result of a Disclosure to Persons Without a "Need to Know"

Hospital Revises Email Distribution as a Result of a Disclosure to Persons Without a “Need to Know” Covered Entity: General Hospital Issue: Impermissible Use and Disclosure A complainant, who was […]

Private Practice cannot require patient "gag" agreements

Private Practice Ceases Conditioning of Compliance with the Privacy Rule Covered Entity: Private Practice Issue: Conditioning Compliance with the Privacy Rule A physician practice requested that patients sign an agreement […]

Mental Health Center must provide patient with copy of medical records submitted to Auto Insurance Company

Mental Health Center Provides Access after Denial Covered Entity: Mental Health Center Issue: Access, Authorization The complainant alleged that a mental health center (the “Center”) improperly provided her records to […]

Mental Health Center must provide copies of psychotherapy notes after patient review

Mental Health Center Provides Access and Revises Policies and Procedures Covered Entity: Mental Health Center Issue: Access, Restrictions The complainant alleged that a mental health center (the “Center”) refused to […]

Private Practice must revise research agreements

Private Practice Revises Policies and Procedures Addressing Activities Preparatory to Research Covered Entity: Private Practice Issue: Impermissible Disclosure-Research A private practice physician who was the principal investigator of a clinical […]

First State HIPAA Enforcement Action against a Business Associate – $2.5 Million Penalty, $25M loss of business

2012 is the banner year for ground-breaking HIPAA sanctions. In April, a small physican’s office, Phoenix Cardiac Surgery. P.C.,  was fined $ 100,000 for violating patient privacy for using free […]

Nurse terminated for looking at Family records

It’s VERY important that you, and your staff, understand that you cannot look at medical records for your friends or family without written permission.  In this case, despite repeated trainings, […]