60 Minutes That Will Blow Your Competitors Out Of The Water
March 24, 2016 at 11:00AM
Do you remember playing Battleship as a kid? Business is much like a game of Battleship. You must strategically pick away market share from your competitors or else risk having your own market share picked away. In other words, sink your competitor’s battleship before they sink yours.
How does your Managed Services business stand out from the crowd? If you are like most…then you don’t. Sure you want too, but you have no idea how to. Well, your luck is about to change.
Join Ulistic and one of the sharpest business minds in our industry, Raj Goel from Brainlink International, for an open discussion on how you can build a stronger and more vibrant Managed Services business to blow your competitors out of the water with some very simple, yet rarely executed strategies.
That’s right… you’re just like your competitors. I know – you’re scratching your head and telling yourself over and over:
- We have better techs
- We provide better service
- We have loads of experience
Guess what? Everyone is saying this same garbage over and over, and your prospects don’t really care.
Raj Goel’s SOPCulture will position you as the AUTHORITY in your marketplace. Despite providing services in one of the most competitive markets on the planet — New York City — Raj has continued to grow his Managed Services business by double and almost triple digits growth year after year. How? By using policies and systems to hire, market, service delivery and everything in his Manhattan MSP business.
You can’t afford to skip this webinar on March 24th at 11 AM Eastern. REGISTER HERE.
- STABILIZE and ELEVATE the client experience
- VISIBLY demonstrate their competency thru SOPs
- RAISE their employee skill levels
- LOWER hiring & training costs
- INCREASE client loyalty
- Solve problems FASTER and with GREATER EFFECTIVENESS
- TRANSFORM their company and turns it from a job into a business with SOPCulture
- Make their business MORE VALUABLE TO THE CLIENTS
- INCREASE the sale value/market value of their business