At Your Next Conference, Raj Goel Will…
Educate, Entertain and Effectively Empower You
To Tackle HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and
Privacy Law Compliance
A global media personality who gets compliance.

Just who is Raj Goel?
Raj Goel, CISSP, is an author, entrepreneur, IT expert and industry leader that specializes in the field of cyber security and privacy law. As founder of Brainlink, Raj has spent more than 20 years developing proven IT solutions for a range of high-profile clients in the financial, construction, architectural and property management industries.
His uniquely developed SOPCulture Process (winner of 2015 SmartCEO’s Culture Award) has changed the way his clients think about documentation by showing them how to develop processes for documentation of each and every task, allowing them to rapidly increase productivity, eliminate redundancies and increase quality of service to their clients.
As a 25+ year veteran of the tech industry, Raj has promoted awareness of surveillance & privacy through his published books, which include:
- UNPLUGGED Luddites’ Guide To Cybersecurity
- The Most Important Secrets To Getting Great Results From IT
As a thought leader in the field of cyber security, Raj has become an expected presence at many of the county’s most notable conferences and gatherings of industry members. Just a few of his recent public appearances include:
- “Eat, Sleep, Surveil, Repeat”, NYS CyberSecurity
- “Mouseveillance”, NYS Cybersecurity
- “Life Of A Child”, ASIS
Keynote Speaker:
- “Panopticon”, NCSL, Government of Netherlands, The Hague, Netherlands
- “Rise of Government & Corporate Surveillance” Government Of Curacao
- “What should MSP’s know about compliance?”, Datto
On-Air Television Cybersecurity Expert
Raj regularly appears on a number of national news channels such as Bloomberg TV, CNBC, Fox Business, CNN, Columbia News Tonight and more to discuss relevant cybersecurity topics.
See for yourself at

Be Educated, Entertained and Empowered:
The Most Important Secrets to Getting Great Results from IT
Whatever your profession, be it legal, accounting, architecture or insurance, this is a must-read for all small business owners.

Luddites’ Guide to Cybersecurity:
What to Teach Your Kids & Grandparents Before They Access the Internet
The Best Thing Since the Internet…
Brainlink, featured in SmartCEO Magazine, was granted SmartCEO’s 2015 Culture Award for their SOP CULTURE!
- June 26, 2017: THE BOB FORMICA GOLF OUTING. Click here for details
- September 26th, 2017 – Raj will be speaking at (ISC)2 Security Congress 2017 on “Did Facebook, Twitter & Google Undermine Democracy? “. Visit for more information.
- October 2 – 5, 2017 – Raj will be speaking at Navigate 2017 on “Getting Your Clients To Hang Up On the Competition” Click here for details