Historically, I’ve spoken about the stupid/vain/dump things that users do on their Facebook profiles.


I’ve also warned about friending people.


Here’s an unfortunate case of social media revealing hidden data in VERY public manner.

From the Oct 14, 2012 Wall Street Journal

Bobbi Duncan desperately wanted her father not to know she is lesbian. Facebook told him anyway.

One evening last fall, the president of the Queer Chorus, a choir group she had recently joined, inadvertently exposed Ms. Duncan’s sexuality to her nearly 200 Facebook friends, including her father, by adding her to a Facebook Inc. discussion group. That night, Ms. Duncan’s father left vitriolic messages on her phone, demanding she renounce same-sex relationships, she says, and threatening to sever family ties.The 22-year-old cried all night on a friend’s couch. “I felt like someone had hit me in the stomach …

via When the Most Personal Secrets Get Outed on Facebook – WSJ.com.