As a business owner, you regularly deal with clients who unknowingly make dangerous mistakes with their data or technology. As a parent or adult, you also interact with kids and young people who face similar risks online.

There are some conversations you are having with your clients, colleagues and family members.

And there are some conversations you are NOT having with them…either because you don’t know how to raise the topic with them, or because you don’t feel it’s your place to talk about social media, online dating, or just plain human-stupidity that pervades our lives.

My new book, “UNPLUGGED Luddite’s Guide To CyberSecurity: What to Teach Your Kids & Grandparents Before They Access the Internet“ was written to help you have those conversations and educate the people in your life.

Here’s an adapted excerpt from the book:

Technology and Loose Age Restrictions

On July 4, 2015, the New York Times published an article titled “Teenager’s Jailing Brings a Call to Fix Sex Offender Registries.” It tells the story of Zachary Anderson – a nineteen-year-old college student, now branded a “sex offender” by the Michigan penal code.

What was his crime?

This excerpt from my latest book was published by Continuum. Visit to read more.